How to market your business on Facebook

by David Walker on May 24, 2013

How to build your business on Facebook

Facebook is the ultimate social media platform!  Most people I know have a Facebook profile – even people who were once turned off by computers!

There is a different side to Facebook that you may not know about. You can actually use Facebook as a networking platform for your business. Before we get into the do’s of Facebook networking, let’s get into the don’ts!

The DON’Ts of Facebook Marketing for your business

1. Don’t send spam emails to strangers on Facebook and try to sell them on your business opportunity.

2. Don’t post spammy links on people’s Facebook walls.

3. Don’t go to groups and keep posting over and over and over again about your  opportunity or service.

These are the big no-no’s on Facebook! And I can tell you right now that I constantly hear people on Facebook complain about people just sending them spam emails out of the blue. Let me tell you, you won’t get anywhere with that tactic!

So then how DO you effectively network on Facebook?

1. Set up a profile that has a good “about me” section and lists all of your relevant websites and profile links. This is an opportunity to brand yourself – so don’t skimp on this step.

2. Look for Facebook groups that are relevant to your business. There are tons of groups online.

What do you post on the wall of the group? You post valuable content instead of spammy messages. For example, you can post inspirational messages, advice, or maybe even online marketing advice. And make sure you interact with the other members of the group. Comment and like their posts.

Also, if you have a blog, you can post links to your relevant blog posts on the group wall -  this is a great way to get comments and likes for your blog – if you are an active member of the group, the members will want to reciprocate the favor. This is just another way to get your name out there.

3. Set up a Facebook fan page! A lot of networkers are taking advantage of this option! You can eventually gain a lot of fans and offer a lot of valuable content to your readers! This positions you as a leader in your field.

You can network with other people on Facebook when you switch over to your fan page profile. You just have to switch to “use Facebook as (name of your fan page)”.

To do this, you have to “like” other fan pages out there, because Facebook will only let you interact with other fan pages when you are switched to your fan page profile.You basically just go to other fan pages and comment on them, interact with their commenters and so forth. A lot of people have gained a big following from doing this, although it does take time!

4. Put an opt-in box on your personalized Facebook fan page. You can set up custom landing tabs for your Facebook page. So if someone visits your fan page (from your YouTube channel or blog…so forth) then they will see a custom landing page – you can put an opt in box on this page. They can enter their information in exchange for a free offer you have.

5. The last method I will mention is paid advertising on Facebook. You can pay to advertise on Facebook. Have you seen those ads that are on the right side of the page when your on Facebook – that’s where your ad will show up.

All of this is just the tip of the iceberg. For more information on how to market your business online, Click Here.

To Your Success!




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