Five Tips for Internet Marketing Success – What you have to do to be successful online

by David and Tara on October 27, 2020

Five Tips for Internet Marketing Success – What you have to do to be successful online

Tip #1 — Mindset

Mindset has to be one of the most important requirements for pretty much anything that you want to achieve in the business world. Nowadays, people work for other people or have worked for other people so they do not think the same way as an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs make certain sacrifices to get ahead unlike job minded people who are stuck in the mindset of working for other people.

In other words, entrepreneurs will put in the time to make the dreams a reality even if comes down to working long hours a day. My mother used to work two jobs before she bought her first business; and then when she owned the business, she would put in long hours.

This would stop most people in their tracks. Also, entrepreneurs understand that they have to invest intheir business whether that is time or money. It has to be done. Some ways of getting into the right mindset is by listening to audios by people who have paved the way such as Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn, or even Tony Robbins. We are so programmed to go out and work for other people that by the time we finish high school or college, that is all we are ever taught. So surrounding yourself by other entrepreneurs will help you get the big picture.

Tip # 2 – Mastermind Team

Mastermind Teams are key in internet marketing. If you are new, it is really hard to do it alone. I know this one myself because that is what I did. I had no mentors, no alliances, or no group of people to bounce ideas or learn things from. You don’t want to do this unless you want your success to take longer. Some of the benefits of being in a mastermind team are finding out about what’s current online–pretty much is staying in the loop.

When I first started online, I didn’t know what was going on. Most of the time, I wouldn’t find out about it until months later. Another benefit is staying motivated. If you have ever been around a group of people it’s difficult not to be motivated and feed off their energy. Someone will be having success and success breeds success. I know I get pumped when I see other people making money, and I know you will too.

Tip # 3 – Blogging

Blogging is one of the best ways to brand yourself as a leader online. Sort of like a virtual hand shake so to speak. You can talk about yourself. Offer advice to other marketers. And pretty much position yourself as a leader. Because honestly people don’t join businesses, they join people. It’s like they go out people shopping or something.

If you have enough eyeballs looking at your content, then you will get leads and leads turn into sales. One key to being successful in blogging is being consistent. I have to be honest. This is one thing that I did not do every day because I let other things get in the way. If you stay consistent and interact with people, you will have success. However, most people struggle to start up blogs.

Whether it’s buying their domain name and setting up hosting, there is a learning curve. You most likely will take up to six months to start seeing progress. But it doesn’t have to be that difficult. With this blogging system, all the work is pretty much done for you. Yep, a plug and play blogging system that is ready to go.

Fortunately for me, I have a computer background so setting up my blog was not that difficult. However, I still had to learn things like setting up and optin form and doing php redirects. It’s all learnable but will drastically take your time to learn.

Tip # 4 – Daily Method of Operation aka DMO

All successful entrepreneurs have a daily method of operation. Whether it’s getting up every morning to make the donuts or posting on Facebook, you have to be consistent. Internet marketing is no different. You have make a list of tasks that you want to accomplish each day, such as hosting a wakeup call, commenting on Facebook, posting on your blog, or syndicating your content. It has to be done every day.

Many people don’t treat their business like a real business. Rather, they treat it as a hobby. Imagine owning a restaurant and some days you just don’t feel like opening. Can you see yourself make it in business like this? But since the cost is so low compared to a brick and mortar business, people don’t take it seriously. If you keep that in mind, you will be okay. And staying in a mastermind team or group will keep you accountable.

Tip # 5 – Determination

Determination is another important part of the way we think. I know from experience that internet marketing can be a real pain in the ass. I worked hard got leads then dropped off then got leads and then fell off again. You have to be determined in order to get through discouragement especially in the beginning and whenever obstacles arise. And there will be obstacles. The true entrepreneurs that are unstoppable will be able to push through pretty much anything.

Will you keep pushing no matter how hard it gets. You have to ask yourself why you are doing what you are doing. Is it because you want more money? Or do you want to buy that new house you’ve been dreaming of? Or you just can freaking stand your boss and are on the verge of killing him or her. Well you know what I mean. You have to have burning desire and determination to make it through the hard times and unexpected challenges.

Whatever you do, just keep these five tips in mind and never give up. You have to be constantly growing in your being. Personal growth is key in creating the right mindset and driving you to success.

To Your Success,


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